
House Sitting Ad #137830

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Car, Netflix

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Tram, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Surrey Hills, VIC

Date: 15 Dec 2023 - 12 Jan 2024
Length: 28 days
Applications close 8 Dec 2023
Property Type House
Animal Types Cat(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Kay
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

We are looking for a non-smoker to look after pets and house-sit our home in Surrey Hills, VIC. We have a two- story stand alone home, gardens at the front and back, and most importantly, two beloved indoor cats who will be greatly missed and will likely miss us, too.

Looking for a wonderful caretaker to our property and our cats.

General maintenance to house:
Water garden and plants weekly (have sprinkler system so need to learn that)
Collect mail
Overall keep house safe, clean

Cat responsibilities are as follows:
Fresh water daily
Wet food twice a day (morning/evening)
Dry food in bowl daily
Litter box maintenance (clean, tidy, refilled)
Play/brush/spend quality time with cats (cuddles, treats, etc)

Pets & farm animals

(2) bonded sibling cats, shorthair both very friendly with distinct personalities Indoor cats only Muffin (girl) - bit of a diva and will pee in corner of bathroom if not getting attention, so will need to be vigilant:) Jet (boy) - super chill Both are Spade/neutered and microchipped. Wet food 2x daily (7am/7p) Maintain dry food in bowl Fresh water daily Groom (brush hair) Treats (when playing with them) Cuddles and play / brain stimulation (feather wand) Litter box maintenance (remove waste throughout day / clean out litter and each litter box, and replace 1x times during stay)

House Tasks

Collect mail Water plants Learn sprinkler system and maintain, turn off when necessary Keep house clean/ cool as necessary Open windows when in house or use air con but mindful of turning off and using only when necessary.

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Car, Netflix

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Tram, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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