
House Sitting Ad #138172

Property facilities

WiFi, Cooling, Washing machine

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Restaurant / Cafes, Bus, Train, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Victoria Park, WA

Date: 24 Dec 2023 - 27 Dec 2023
Length: 3 days
Applications close 6 Dec 2023
Property Type Town House
Animal Types Cat(s)
Response rating:
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

Town house (stairs) in Victoria Park
Close to Victoria Park station and bus stop
Requirements of the Sitter:-
Taking care of our house & our darling 14 year old cat (food, litter etc)

Property facilities

WiFi, Cooling, Washing machine

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Restaurant / Cafes, Bus, Train, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


This ad has been removed by the home owner.