
House Sitting Ad #139446

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Netflix, Pet(s) welcome, if compatible

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Lawn Bowls, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Tram, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Airport West, VIC

Date: 6 Apr 2024 - 23 Apr 2024
Length: 17 days
Applications close 31 Mar 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s), Cat(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Paul
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

Looking for an easy going sitter to look after a spacious bright 3 bedroom place with lots of plants and an 12 year old Rag Doll cat and 5 year old chocolate Labrador who need looking after for a few weeks. Place is opposite Airport West Westfield and easily accessible by bus and tram to the city.
Not many requirements during your stay the cat just does his thing and the dog does like a morning and evening walk around the block. Will need to water the plants a little during your stay.

Look forward to discussing.

Pets & farm animals

12 yr old Rag Doll cat name Sam 5 yr old Labrador Matilda

House Tasks

Feed cat Clean cat litter and pick up dog droppings in yard Feed dog Walk dog Water some plants Check mail

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Netflix, Pet(s) welcome, if compatible

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Lawn Bowls, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Tram, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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