
House Sitting Ad #139519

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Heating, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Lawn Bowls, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Beach, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Crows Nest, NSW

Date: 19 Apr 2024 - 24 Apr 2024
Length: 5 days
Applications close 29 Feb 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Cat(s)
Response rating:
Owner: June
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

I live in a semi-detached 3 bedroom on the border for North Sydney and Crows Nest in the cafe society., within working distance of North Sydney, Crows nest, Cammeray, Neutral Bay and very close to St Leonards park.

Pets & farm animals

I have a beautiful burmese boy, Beau, who is 18 and needs medication, just two 1/4 tablets a day for blood pressure. He needs attention and loves to be petted. He sleeps a lot but is particular about meal times, as most cats are. He does have special renal food. I need someone experienced as he is elderly.

House Tasks

Feed, change water for cat and pet him. Mind the house and bring in mail.

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Heating, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Lawn Bowls, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Beach, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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