
House Sitting Ad #139573

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Cheltenham, VIC

Date: 1 May 2024 - 1 Aug 2024 (approx.)
Length: 92 days
Applications close 30 Apr 2024
Property Type Unit
Animal Types
Response rating:
Owner: nada
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

Someone who is considerate and will take care of my unit, drying around sink if it becomes a little flooded after washing dishes. wiping feet before entering home from and vacuuming at least fortnightly.
Someone with a knowledge of plants and gardening, so to water plants when needed. Check with finger test in soil is usually good indicator!
Opening bathroom window 1/2cm when having a shower.
Someone who treats others the way they like to be treated.

Garden / Lawn Care


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