
House Sitting Ad #139923

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Art / Theater, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Geelong, VIC

Date: 26 Oct 2024 - 9 Nov 2024
Length: 14 days
Applications close 31 Aug 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Ken and June
Posted more than 30 days ago

Our house is in central Geelong and is close to parks and not far from the bay. There is a good shopping centre only a few minutes walk from our house. The sitter would have a double bedroom at their disposal and would have full use of the kitchen, bathroom and sitting rooms. We have a small front garden and a rear garden that would need to be watered. We have a lovely little dog who is quite aged: 16 years, and would require some daily tablets while we were away. She is very good natured but also spend most of the day sleeping. Being aged she would require some care and support and she would require a couple of shortish walks each day. She is fed fairly early in the day and around 4pm. She is quite deaf but otherwise quite active for her age.

Pets & farm animals

Small dog aged 16

House Tasks

collect mail, water garden, generally tidy the rooms used.. More photos coming.

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Art / Theater, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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