
House Sitting Ad #140406

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Subiaco, WA

Date: 27 Jun 2024 - 8 Jul 2024
Length: 11 days
Applications close 8 Apr 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types
Response rating:
Owner: Keith
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

We have a beautiful home in Subiaco , Perth , WA. In fact we have 2 dates requiring a sitter
June 27 to July 8
July 23 to approx September 9
We have a home we could easily rent out for $2000 a week , but we prefer a free house sitter who will take good care of our home , feed our dog morning & night , and take her for a walk at least once per day. We have a 3 story slim home in Subiaco centro style. We have had the same house sitter for years but recently tragically passed away . We are hoping for a person who can become our regular sitter.

Garden / Lawn Care


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