
House Sitting Ad #140554

Property facilities

WiFi, Pool/spa, Cooling, Washing machine, Room for caravan, BBQ, Kids Welcome

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Parks, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Mudgeeraba, QLD

Date: 10 Apr 2024 - 14 Apr 2024
Length: 4 days
Applications close 7 Apr 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Matthew
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

We have a large house just outside of Mudgeeraba on a quiet street.
We need someone to house sit and keep our 15 month labrador, 'Sunny', company while we go a away for a few days.

Pets & farm animals

15 month old labrador named Sunny

House Tasks

Please keep the house tidy, plus feed the dog and spend some time with him each day.

Property facilities

WiFi, Pool/spa, Cooling, Washing machine, Room for caravan, BBQ, Kids Welcome

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Parks, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


This ad has been removed by the home owner.