
House Sitting Ad #140668

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Scoresby, VIC

Date: 10 Jun 2024 - 7 Jul 2024
Length: 27 days
Applications close 9 Jun 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s), Cat(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Tim
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

Hey there!
Our names are Tim and Lea (28 and 26) and we live in Scoresby, VIC (Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne) with our two cats Macie and Sassy (4 and 6) and Groodle Puppy, Zala (1 year old in May).

Lea's family lives overseas so we will be going to Germany for four weeks in June/July and are looking for someone to stay at our house while taking care of our three fur babies. Macie and Sassy have experience with a house sitter while this will be Zala's first time. We think she will get used to it pretty quickly but would love to find someone that has experience with anxious dogs.

We are renting a modern two-story, 4 bed/3 bath house with a backyard, equipped with a lawn and very low maintenance garden.

The property is located 25 mins East of the Melbourne CBD, 15 minutes from major shopping centers and Woolworths/Aldi/Coles are all within a 5 minute drive. Bus stops and train stations are both nearby, and the Uber Eats is plentiful!

Pets & farm animals

Cats (Macie and Sassy, 6yo and 4yo): Our kitties love nothing more but to snuggle and sunbath and are kept inside. Sassy is a Ragdoll cat and tends to be quite shy and anxious while Macie is a whirlwind that loves meeting people and giving lots and love and cuddles. Macie and Sassy get fed twice a day and we have four litter boxes around the house that need to get emptied daily and the litter changed out once a week. We would love for the sitter to give them lots of cuddles and keep them company (mainly Macie as Sassy likes to keep to herself). Dog (Zala, Groodle, 1yo): Zala is quite an anxious pup and can be very unsure of new people at the start. Once she gets to know someone though she becomes the most cuddly and quirky little puppy. Even though she is a Groodle, she is currently not very big (around 17 kgs) but we are not sure how much more she will grow. She loves playing with the cats but is absolutely terrified of other dogs. We only got her when she was six months old so are unsure what might have happened in the first six months of her life. She is the cutest and snuggliest dog and will love to curl up on the couch with you and play fetch in the backyard. She does not require massive walks, but she usually gets two walks per day around 15 minutes long. Zala requires a little more than the cats (as expected). She also gets fed twice a day, but can be a bit fussy with her food. We would also like her to get walked at least once a day, but preferably twice a day. She takes one pill for her anxiety every morning which usually can just get mixed with her food or given to her with some cream cheese (she loves cream cheese). She is going to demand a lot of cuddles and play, since she is still young. Zala can only be left home alone for short periods of time, no longer than 4-5 hours, therefore we need a sitter who can spend most of their time at home, with only small outings (half days maybe). She sleeps in a crate in the bedroom and has no issues sleeping 8+ hours overnight. She walks fine on a leash, but under no circumstances can be left off-leash outside as her recall is not yet perfect. So please make sure to always have her on a leash. She cannot go to dog parks and we prefer for her not to go to crowded places (cafes, restaurants, markets etc.) due to her anxiety. She is not yet desexed (has not been in heat yet) but we will be desexing her after our trip.

House Tasks

Our bins are taken out weekly Mail usually only comes every few days We have a few indoor plants that require watering when the soil is dry :)

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Mall, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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