
House Sitting Ad #141061

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Jandakot, WA

Date: 14 Dec 2024 - 27 Dec 2024
Length: 13 days
Applications close 21 Nov 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types
Response rating:
Owner: Shauna
Posted more than 30 days ago

We are in need of a house sitter over the Christmas period to care for 3 cats, 1 2y/o dog and lots of indoor plants.
We live in a house which used to be on a golf course (now being developed!!) with lots of trees around.
We are not far from Fremantle.
Our house is air-conditioned for summer heat.
We require someone who loves animals and is happy to love ours and to try not to kill our plants.

Garden / Lawn Care


General location - Perth S.W. suburbs

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