
House Sitting Ad #141138

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Washing machine, Room for caravan

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Beach, Fishing / Boating, Bus, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Margaret River, WA

Date: 8 Jul 2024 - 30 Jul 2024
Length: 22 days
Applications close 15 Jun 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Sylvia
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

Looking for a mature non smoking petsitter to look after our sweet 8 year old large Rhodesian Ridgeback girl Carlie Our cozy home is Located on one acre of gardens within walking distance of town and she likes to stroll around the property in the morning and to be taken out for one walk a day on one of the many trails near the home
Carlie is an indoor dog and can't be left alone longer than 4 hours a day so you will have to be available to cater for her needs Not suitable for someone who is full time employed or other pets or kids

House Tasks

Watering of a few pot plays Take out rubbish bins Take Carlie for her daily walk and feed her twice daily

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Washing machine, Room for caravan

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Beach, Fishing / Boating, Bus, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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