
House Sitting Ad #141179

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Pool/spa, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Netflix, BBQ

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Lawn Bowls, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Shailer Park, QLD

Date: 17 Sep 2024 - 19 Oct 2024
Length: 32 days
Applications close 19 May 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types None
Response rating:
Owner: Ross
Posted more than 30 days ago

We have a 4 bedroom home, require someone who is fit as we have a big back yard to mow, the only requirements are, we have a nice garden (most in pots) and all the plants are watered regularly 2-3 times per week depending on the weather. I would anticipate that the lawn would probably require 1-2 mows while we are away, mower, whipper snipper and blower provided. There is a pool salt water which is pretty low maintenance. Would prefer a couple with no children, non smokers, no pets allowed and no pets to take care of. We live in Shailer Park Queensland

Pets & farm animals

No pets to look after.

House Tasks

see main description.

Property facilities

WiFi, Pay TV, Pool/spa, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Netflix, BBQ

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Lawn Bowls, Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Nightlife, Cinema, Parks, Bus, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


This ad has been removed by the home owner.