
House Sitting Ad #141369

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Pet(s) welcome, if compatible

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Parks, Fishing / Boating, Bus

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Lysterfield South, VIC

Date: 1 Sep 2024 - 29 Sep 2024 (approx.)
Length: 28 days
Applications close 30 Aug 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Carol
Posted more than 30 days ago

Looking to head overseas for 3 -4 weeks with dates as above. Also intend to do a bit of travel in the future, from 2-3 days up to a few weeks & it would be ideal to find someone who is able to come back for multiple visits over time.
We have a 2 year old, strong, energetic, loving German short-haired pointer girl, who can be a bit anxious & is used to having someone at home with her as much as possible. She ideally needs a couple of 30 minute walks a day and loves to play & curl up with you on the couch. She is an inside dog with full run of the house.
Plant watering (pots, both inside & outside, plus vegie garden) would be really good while you stay and there is always gardening to do, if you enjoy that.
The house is quite large, on half an acre on a hillside, with lovely views & fabulous sunsets. Approx. 45 minutes drive to Melbourne CBD, depending on time of day. Local shops approx. 5 minutes drive away - you would need a car to get around. Fountain Gate (large shopping centre) approx 15 minutes drive away.
Very close to Lysterfield Lake park, which has excellent mountain bike tracks and walks. Lots of fresh air, space and kangaroos!

Pets & farm animals

Daily walking, feeding & general care of active & strong 2 year old german short haired pointer bitch

House Tasks

Collect mail from letterbox, water house plants & exterior potted plants, gardening is always there to do, if you like that sort of thing

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Pet(s) welcome, if compatible

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Parks, Fishing / Boating, Bus

Garden / Lawn Care


General location - Melb. S. E suburbs

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