
House Sitting Ad #141501

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Netflix

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Restaurant / Cafes, Parks, Bus, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Reservoir, VIC

Date: 12 Aug 2024 - 25 Aug 2024
Length: 13 days
Applications close 11 Aug 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Dog(s)
Response rating: Reduced Contact
Owner: Juliette
Posted more than 30 days ago

Hi everyone,

We would love to find a house sitter to look after our 7 year old American Staffy "Chooky" and tend to our veggie garden while we go on our holiday to New Zealand to visit family.
We have a 3 bedroom house with open plan living with a large outdoor garden with veggies, fruit trees and an entertainment area with a pool table.
If you are available during those dates and interested to look after our house and cuddle and walk our dog please get in touch.

Thank you so much.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Juliette, Kyle, Kai and Chooky.

Pets & farm animals

7yo male American Staffy. Super loving, loves people and cuddles. He's very chill at home but a bit anxious on walks so we will ask that you stay away from other dogs.

House Tasks

Walk our dog and water the garden.

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Netflix

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Golf, Restaurant / Cafes, Parks, Bus, Local shops

Garden / Lawn Care


General location - Melb. N.W. suburbs

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