
House Sitting Ad #141509

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Washing machine, Room for caravan

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Art / Theater, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


Join to Reply Selby, VIC

Date: 16 Jun 2024 - 19 Jun 2024
Length: 3 days
Applications close 14 Jun 2024
Property Type House
Animal Types Cat(s), Chicken(s)
Response rating:
Owner: Peta
Posted more than 30 days ago
Commencing soon

We are heading away for a few days and are looking for a house sitter couple. We have a male Burmese cat (14 yrs old), 4 beautiful chickens, a large garden, compost worms, stick insects, and quite a few plants to care for (inside and outside). Selby is the next suburb out from Belgrave (the end of the train line). A bus stop close to the front of the property making public transport very do-able. We live on a main road and have great access to Sherbrooke forest. We can hear Puffing Billy as it winds its way through the forest. The cat is very cuddly and will want to sleep with you, the chickens are lovely and pretty independent but need watching (we have foxes in the area), the insects and worms are pretty interesting and just need feeding, and the plants just need good conversation and some of water!

Pets & farm animals

The cat - Maxi - is lovely, cuddly, and quite pretty. The chickens are also a bit cuddly and often produce an egg for your breakfast. We have instructions for the rest - it is not tricky.

House Tasks

Collect mail, care for cat, insects, worms, and plants/garden, care for home. Enjoy living in the forest.

Property facilities

WiFi, Heating, Washing machine, Room for caravan

Neighbourhood facilities

Nearby: Gym / Yoga, Restaurant / Cafes, Cinema, Art / Theater, Parks, Bus, Train, Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet

Garden / Lawn Care


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